Following a superb second edition of Til Two which is magical night of vibrant House music we are back again this time inviting special guest DJ/Producer from Rinse FM Perempay (Saturdays 5pm-7pm) ready to tear the Til Two roof alongside legendary MC Gemini. Also joining them will be DJ Knowledge from The House of Koo and Ruffneck Records' Naughty Naf
Til Two is the new home for House music on a Thursday, we dont watch no face, we come to enjoy and chill out to the very finest in House music
This promises to be yet another night of superb house music and great vibes.
Date: 30th September
DJs on this night playing the very best in
♫ SEF KOMBO (Afro Power/The Sef Sessions)
http://twitter.com/djsef♫ PEREMPAY (Rinse)
http://twitter.com/perempay♫ MC GEMINI
♫ KNOWLEDGE (HouSoulful)
http://www.twitter.com/djknowledgeuk♫ NAUGHTY NAF (Ruffneck Records)
Photos to be taken by S'N'M Photography & Olufemi Photography
Drinks Offers:
Selected Cocktails are 2 for 1 before 10pm so early arrival is advised to take advantage of this offer!
Ruby Lo, 23 Orchard Street, London, W1H 6HL
Time: 9pm-2am
Last entry at 1am
Ladies 100% FREE b4 11pm on Guestlist £10 after
Gents: £10 All night on Guestlist
£15 Non-Guestlist
Dress Code Sexy Casual / Smart trainers allowed. NO Hats allowed and NO bad attitude.
Security will be tight but very polite
For Guestlist, Table or Birthday Bookings Text or Email Full Names To:
Sef Kombo: 07931587829
Til Two... The Home of House on A Thursday
FB Event Page: