After the amazing invite only edition of Til Two to end off 2010 and a lil break we are back again for our 7th outing! We again re-invite down Kismet and Gemini to feature as our main set for the night and invite a new guest, DJ C Sharp from Deja Vu FM to and lay down nothing but the best in House music. Sef Kombo and resident DJ D.E.N complete the line-up to what promises to be another epic night
Til Two is the new home for House music on a Thursday, we dont watch no face, we come to enjoy and chill out to the very finest in House music
Join Us!
DJs on this night playing the very best in
♫ SEF KOMBO (Afro Power/The Sef Sessions)
http://twitter.com/djsef♫ KISMET (Rinse/Cee Deep)
http://twitter.com/djkismet♫ GEMINI
♫ C SHARP (Deja Vu/House Is Not At Home)
http://twitter.com/djcsharp♫ DJ D.E.N (Public Relations/Insomnia)
Photos to be taken by S’N'M Photography & Olufemi Photography
Drinks Offers:
Selected Cocktails are 2 for 1 before 10pm so early arrival is advised to take advantage of this offer!
Ruby Lo, 23 Orchard Street, London, W1H 6HL
Time: 9pm-2am
Last entry at 1am
£10 b4 11.30pm on Guestlist £15 after
£20 Non-Guestlist
Dress Code Sexy Casual / Smart trainers allowed. NO Hats allowed and NO bad attitude.
Security will be tight but very polite
For Guestlist, Table or Birthday Bookings Text or Email Full Names To:
Sef Kombo: 07931587829
For all the sets from the previous Til Two events log onto:
http://tiltwoparties.com/Til Two... The Home of House on A Thursday